Yes, I actually managed to create some terrain today for Too Fat Lardies' Sharp Practice Deployment Point Contest (whew)!
Here is my accompanying letter with the photos:
I realize that I may technically be too late as I am submitting from across the pond where there is 1 hour and 15 minutes until July 1. But no matter -- it was worthwhile getting these done. And I would have had it done sooner if not for those weedy coves at see, my plan for this vignette was to use only items which I had built myself -- including, if needed, building models in a 3d program and having them 3d printed. The ammunition boxes and barrels were done by this method and they arrived at my home today -- in fact only 6 hours ago -- rather than on June 27 as the aforementioned weedy coves had promised. Alas, the Martini-Henry rifles which I created seemed a bit anemic when placed in the vignette and I fell back to using some spare Wargames Factory bits. (I will have another go at the rifles -- it's not uncommon to have to print a couple times to get the dimensions exactly right, especially for miniature items)
I plan on using these for my own Imagi-Nations colonial gaming and Victorian Science Fiction gaming. Without further ado, let me present the deployment points of Victoria's Own Barsoomian Rifles, featuring ammunition boxes based on images from Ian Knight's website, the ubiquitous Martini-Henry rifle and a water barrel for those dry nights on Mars or wherever on Earth they are called to serve.Just for interest I am also including a picture of the 3d printed ammo box fresh out of the box at 4pm this afternoon.